Tuesday, September 9, 2008

another little blessing...

Last night for family home evening we had a lesson on patriarchal blessings - we started with treasure maps that Olivia and I had made, leading to "treasure" (candy, of course) that was "buried" under Tucker's dresser. They each had their own special map to follow, but they all led to the same treasure.  Then I explained how patriarchal blessings are like treasure maps, and if we follow them, we will get the one thing that we want most of all. Then I asked the kids, "what is the one thing that mommy wants most, more than anything else?" Olivia shouted, "a new kitchen!" (i'll admit, i had been wishing aloud on the "shooting star" - was rylie's bite of food flying creatively to her mouth - that i could have a new kitchen...) But then Tucker said almost as quickly, "To have the spirit in our home!" Not the answer I was looking for, but totally acceptable. :) Then we talked about how our family can be together forever, and the celestial kingdom. And Dan and I each read a portion of our blessings to the kids (the parts that talked about our family.) I got teary eyed later that night saying my prayers when I thought about how perceptive Tucker is sometimes. He is such a tender little guy.


Amber said...

Shelley, you are amazing! Such a great idea! I'm going to tuck that FHE away for when we have kids.....

Emily H. said...

I really need some FHE ideas from you! Our FHE's have lately gotten so lame- all we do is read something from the "Friend." I know- how totally lazy we have become. I love Tucker and Olivia's answers! They are so dang cute- I miss them!

Elizabeth said...

All right Shelley, I'm ready for a new blog and I want it to be full of swear words. Annnnnd go.

Shanda said...

That is really sweet! What a great mom!