Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Once there was a snowman...

Here are my favorite quotes about snow from my two oldest children:

"I never really LIVED until today!" - Tucker, driving home from church about 2 hours after the snow started falling.

"I feel so ALIVE!" - Olivia, throwing snow into the air and then tackling the backyard snowman.


RitzFamilyHappenings said...

Love the pictures & the quotes! Cody thought he was going to die on the way home...we got 5 minutes from the house & had to turn around and go another way, because the power lines were exploding in front of our entrance...then I about had us in a ditch from slipping & sliding...It took us an hour to get home from church...not a pleasant ride!

Katy said...

Are Tucker and Olivia your children or what? "I never really lived until today" Hello, that is totally you. I LOVE IT! MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD! I can't believe all that snow... crazy.
Miss you so!

AmyB said...

Shelly! I am blog stalking from Emily Hendrickson's blog but it was great to see your cute family in action. We had snow here this winter and Austin has similar feelings about its greatness!! I was glad to have it only every 10 years or so after cleaning up wet floors all day!